This stuff is even more incredible when you consider that they were paying pretty much the same price ($599) for a home computer as you do now. Happy Friday! Do you remember any classic tech ads from the 20th century? Tell me about it in the comments and I’ll try to dig it up! Comment Name * Email *

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Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 57Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 21Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 72Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 50Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 63Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 16Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 35Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 1Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 84Friday Fun  Tech Advertisements from a Simpler Time - 70