What we want to know is, what you are looking forward to in the tech space for the coming year. Did you get a new tech gadget? Maybe a new computer with Windows 8.1, or maybe you’re looking forward to new offerings from services like Hulu Plus or Netflix. Well, whatever it is, leave a comment below and engage in the conversation! But now, I am a huge fan of Xbox Music — it’s really improved a lot — Outlook.com is what I’m switching my email to, and I love that with one Microsoft account wherever you sign in, no matter what device, all of your settings, apps… and more follow you. The first iteration of Windows was admitedly dumb. Ahead of it’s time almost in that it seemed MS thought everyone would immediately buy a touch screen. On a traditional computer, the modern UI is a complete after thought. But on my Surface RT, I love the modern UI. Windows 8.1 has made several improvements, and a lot more of the “Core or Essential” apps are available now. Windows Phone 7 was … well, I didn’t buy one for a reason. But Windows Phone 8 gets more impressive everyday, and it’s fast! Even on lower end hardware. Then, there’s Xbox One — the company’s latest attempt at being your one and only living room device. This might sound like I’m a MSFT fanboy, but I have Android and iOS devices, and use them regularly. But for me and my geekiness, what’s coming from Microsoft is more exciting than any other platform…IMHO. Windows 8 was a sad failure (at least for me) – although metro apps had a lot of great potential most developers weren’t that interested, not to mention the terrible incompatibility issues with Windows 8 in general. One would expect that everything working on Windows 7 would work on Windows 8 as well, but that’s far from true… As a tablet OS, maybe it’s okay, but I am definitely going to wait until the next version of Windows comes out before I ditch good ol’ Windows 7 on my desktop PC. And as for the Xbox One, Microsoft also kind of blew it. Even on their facebook fanpage the top rated comments on their posts are the ones dissing the Xbox and praising the PS4. Not to mention how they did that last-minute change about the used games. To be honest, I started out my Geek years as a Microsoft fanboy and a (semi) Apple hater. Now, after all these years I’m beginning to see the light – although Apple may be complete a******s in some terms, they’ve got their stuff going in the right direction and know what they are doing with every new product. Microsoft, on the other hand seem to be in an entirely new experimental stage. All I can do right now is to hope that at least some of these experiments work out in the end. Either way, 2013 was a fairly good year for tech-related stuff. The only fad going on that I don’t like are the smartwatches – they’ll be dead and gone in no time, IMHO. Let’s hope 2014 will bring us even cooler and better things than 2013! :) First, I want a living room system like Apple TV or Xbox or chrome cast to work and not suck. Today too much content is still missing to cut the cord. I want something easy that just works! Second, is wearable technology. Is 2014 going to be the year of this tech?? Don’t know. Mobile phones are just so 2007. Will see… :) I think XBOX One is making the play to be all things for the living room but yes, it didn’t quite nail it. The interface still needs work however I do like how they are integrating Skype, TV and the XBox game console into one box. For me however it all comes down to DEAD SIMPLE and Apple TV for me still owns that category. If only I could get Skype on it I would be very happy. ;) I’m also excited to see continued progress with voice recognition and smart home technology. Waiting for someone to really own that market of home automation. So far, the tech is expensive and not very mainstream…. yet… Such Chaos would undoubtedly make for a better world; one infused with wifi and infra-red vibes to keep us all rocking to the music of The Rolling Stones…Happy New Year Folks! Comment Name * Email *

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