But did you know that you can give Alexa a British accent or speak completely in Deutsch? You can access the appropriate settings via the Alexa app for iOS or Android or via the web at echo.alexa.com. Here’s a look at how to set it up.

Make Alexa Speak German or with a British Accent

After you change Alexa’s voice to your liking, everything will work the same as it always has, but Alexa now has a British accent. It’s fun to vary things up every now and then. To give you an idea of what to expect, check out the short recording below of Alexa with a British accent.

I personally find that giving Alexa a British accent to the digital assistant provides a rich and more human experience. I find it easier to understand, too. Default voices on other digital assistants like Siri or Google Assistant sound plain and robotic. I haven’t tested this with the Echo Dot or the Echo Tap but it works well with the original Echo. If you have an Echo Dot or Tap, let us know if this works. Alexa is also available on the Fire TV, however, there currently isn’t an option to give it an accent. What do you think of the British accent for Alexa? Do you like to change the accent or language of other digital assistants such as Siri, OK Google, or Cortana on other platforms? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. If this continues, I might switch back. But then again it’s kinda cool. Kinda like having two secretaries instead of one. I may have to start dropping my pens more often. Comment Name * Email *

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